Bizarreware (Clarice Cliff)

Dimensions63 cm x 58 cm x 53 cm
Materials Cast glass and bronze
Collection Kamm Teapot Foundation

I was commissioned in 2003 by Sonny and Gloria Kamm to make a sculpture for their teapot collection. My inspiration was found in the work of renowned British pottery designer Clarice Cliff. Cliff was deeply involved in the Newport Pottery and was principally in charge of creating the hand painted designs and eventually she led a team of 70 women who carried out These decorations. As time went on she became a total designer creating the shapes of the pieces as well These would become known as Bizarreware. The piece follows the ‘working-people doing things’ themes that have been an integral part of my work and follows the development of the form and the decoration of her pieces.” Seen in this sculpture’s white glass elements are some of Cliff’s most recognizable teapot shapes.